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"Who do I call to get a profile on a child?"
Agency Contacts
Children Assisted by Community Action Programs (CAP’s) – the various CAPS are satellites of the Westchester Community Opportunity Program (“WESTCOP”). The mission of the CAPS is to assist low income and at-risk populations with programs which foster self-sufficiency. CAP’s are staffed by the people living in the community it serves. CAPS promote the participation of residents of the community in planning and carrying out programs to help themselves.
Info on Delivery of Clothing
White Plains Community Action Programs
Reggie Bush
Phone 428-7030 x 1002
Fax 946-4395
Clothing should be delivered to WPCAP
70 Ferris Avenue
White Plains, NY 10603
(Office in basement of Apt. Building-
Buzz “CAP”)
Ossining Community Action Program
Doris Goodson
Phone 923-6380/6381
Fax 923-1873
Clothing should be delivered to OCAP
81 Croton Avenue
Ossining, NY 10562
Greenburgh/Elmsford Community Action Program
Amanda Kyle-Shaw
Phone 761-6605
Fax 997-7107
Phone 592-5600
Fax 592-0021
Clothing should be delivered to
32 Manhattan Avenue, 2nd Floor
White Plains, NY 10607
IFCA Housing Network - Although not under the WESTCOP umbrella, IFCA is a community-based program servicing Ossining, Croton & Tarrytown.
Valerie Canosa
Phone 941-5252 (x13) Fax 941-7392
Clothing should be delivered to IFCA
138 Spring Street
Ossining, NY 10562
Children Assisted by Westchester Jewish Community Services
Info on Delivery of Clothing
WJCS - a non-sectarian agency helping people of all ages cope with emotional, environmental, sociall & educational challenges. The WJCS serves 14,000 residents annually throughout Westchester– a large percentage of them are children.
Meryl Lewis
Phone 761-0600x222
Fax 761-5859
Clothing should be delivered to
845 North Broadway
White Plains, NY 10603
Children assisted by the Grandparents Coalition
Info on Delivery of Clothing
Grandparents Coalition - a program of Westchester County Dept of Senior Programs & Services. These children are being raised by their Grandparents due to a variety of reasons. Grandparents are referred by Family Service Society of Yonkers and Family Ties of Westchester and reside chiefly in Yonkers and Mt. Vernon.
Corina Sonara
Phone 813-6393
Fax 813-6295
Contact Corina for delivery infomation
Children Living in Family Shelters & Transitional Housing
Info on Delivery of Clothing
West H.E.L.P.
Mt. Vernon
Phara Pignard
Phone 665-5401(x808)
Clothing should be delivered to
West H.E.L.P.
240 Franklin Avenue
Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
WESTHAB -Coachman Family Center in White Plains
-Elm St. Youth Center (ESYC) in Yonkers
-Peak Center in Mt. Vernon
Dawn Cousin
345-2800 x 30
Fax: 345-3139
Call Dawn for delivery information
HELP Homebase, a division of HELP USA
5 Boroughs Provides services to “post-shelter” clients
Marlene Lawrence
347-226-4540 x 105
Clothing should be delivered too
HELP Homebase
1780 Grand Concourse
Bx, NY 10457
Children assisted by the Preventive Services Division of the Dept. of Social Services in Peekskill – They work with families with children at risk of children being placed in foster care
Info on Delivery of Clothing
Westchester County Dept. of Social Services in Peekskill – Preventive Services
Latisha Booker
Phone 862-5157
Fax 862-5179 l
Clothing should be delivered to
Westchester County Dept. of Social Services
750 Washington Street
Peekskill, NY 10566